Germany's need for skilled professionals and tradespeople has been a prominent topic in recent times. As one of the world's leading manufacturing countries, Germany is grappling with a significant demographic shift. The proportion of the older generation entering retirement is on the rise, while the influx of younger individuals into the labour force needs to catch up. This imbalance underscores the country's growing reliance on overseas human resources, making skilled professionals and tradespeople more sought after than ever before.

It's no small feat that Germany issued a staggering 80,000 work visas in the first half of 2024, a figure reported by a German press agency. This marks a substantial increase compared to the 37,000 work visas issued in the same period of the previous fiscal year, 2023. This significant increase in work visas not only reflects the growing opportunities in Germany but also underscores the appeal of the German opportunity card. The card's benefits make it a highly attractive option for skilled professionals and tradespeople.

The most important advantage of the German opportunity card is that it lasts one year, and one can do part-time jobs while on the card; the spouse can accompany. Of course, subject to getting a work permit or a job offer, one can convert the status into a residency permit or a blue card, depending on the salary scale.

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So, at Abhinav, we are delighted to carry out the eligibility assessment under the point system applicable under the German opportunity card. Thus, some factors are considered while counting while checking out the eligibility under this particular card that include factors, be it the age, or here it is preferred that the maximum points come in. If you are below 35 years old, it helps. Of course, the maximum one can apply up to is 40 years, and experience matters a lot, and if it's related to your qualification, that's beneficial. If it relates to STEM or healthcare occupation, it still becomes more attractive; your resume may become extremely attractive enough to be going for this German opportunity card, and the process once you land a job will be much easier.

We at Abhinav Immigration Services have worked out exceptional services under the German opportunity card because a question often faced is, okay, you know, even if I get the opportunity card, what do I do after landing? How do I get a job? What are the other challenges that we face after landing?

So, we are offering membership in the Associations of Indians in Germany. Wherever you are in Germany, the association members can assist you in all areas where you need support, help you out, deal with culture shock and language shock, and ensure you're not feeling homesick.

We have also worked out, you know, an agreement with a very reputable German organisation. That particular organisation helps our clients search for part-time and full-time jobs, and it is the ICMC group. This group is headed by founders with over 20 years of experience assisting these Indian professionals who have landed in Germany to work. This includes assistance in whether it's accommodation, rental assistance, or employer background checks or searches even in the part-time jobs, the internship, or the final job search. Our associates offer critical aid, which is required in health insurance areas.

So, all this we can assist our clients with German opportunity cards is what makes Abhinav immigration services so unique. We expect these work visa numbers to continue to increase over some time, and even the procedures towards issuance of a German, you know, blue card, a Germany EU blue card, have been simplified in November 2023. If you have a degree and a job offer with a salary package, that could be, though it is said, about 41,000. So, comfortably, if you have around 44K-45K salary, the probability of you getting an EU blue card also increases, and that's possible once you have the German opportunity card, have landed in the country, and get the job offer.

The good news is that the German foreign office always gives priority to processing the application for work visas for workers who are skilled professionals or otherwise the application process, which means that more and more applications can be processed for professional and trade persons coming from non-EU member countries, thereby increasing the possibility of getting the maximum number of people in the country at the advantage of the economy.

Call 8595338595 or email [email protected] for a free eligibility assessment for the German Opportunity Card as a skilled Professional and tradesperson.

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